Associated Factors of Alcohol Abstinence and Tendency Range of The Time in Outpatient at The Mental Health Clinic, Saraburi Hospital during 2017-2019

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Sitthinant Tanchakvaranont


Objectives : To evaluate related factors of alcohol abstinence for at least 3 months, the tendency of the service admission rates, and successful withdrawal of drinking in outpatients at a mental health clinic, Saraburi Hospital during years 2017-2019.

Methods : This research is a retrospective descriptive study of outpatient’s medical records at a mental health clinic, Saraburi Hospital in the years 2017-2019. The sample was selected with alcohol problems, by aged at least 15 years, and had serviced more than one time. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Chi-square (χ2), and Students’ t-test which obtained the association between successful withdrawal of drinking and the factors. Furthermore, decomposition analysis is used to determine the tendency of the data in successfully alcoholic withdrawal patients.

Results : Among the 522 people, there observed 216 cases (41.38%) who were able to stop drinking at least 3 months. The associated factors with alcohol abstinence were obtained including other psychiatric therapies, co-administered with multidisciplinary care, follow-up of the treatment plan until the releasing of the examination period, treatment rights, and on time doctor’s appointment (p <0.05). In addition, the tendency both the number of times, and alcohol abstinence cases were shown by seasonal pattern during the quarter of the year, the month that stopped drinking was significant increase in July to November since 2017-2019.

Conclusion : The associated factors for successfully alcoholic abstinence in patients involve both internal and external service system of clinic. Therefore, to design the service system for alcoholic problems should be synchronized every dimension to increase the chance of stopping alcohol usage.

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How to Cite
Tanchakvaranont, S. (2021). Associated Factors of Alcohol Abstinence and Tendency Range of The Time in Outpatient at The Mental Health Clinic, Saraburi Hospital during 2017-2019 . Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 66(4), 455–468. retrieved from
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