Burnout and Related Factor among Residents of Thammasat University Hospital In the COVID-19 outbreak

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Rujira Tuangpermsub
Winitra Nuallaong
Thammanard Charernboon


Objective: This study aims to assess the prevalence of burnout syndrome and related factors among Residents of Thammasat University Hospital.

Method: This was a cross-sectional designed study, which included all residents in Thammasat University Hospital; from April to June 2020. Online questionnaire was used. The questionnaire comprised of 4 parts: 1) demographic data 2) work-related questionnaire 3) COVID-19 work-related questionnaire 4) Maslach burnout inventory (MBI) Thai version. Using descriptive statistics to describe the demographic data, work-related, COVID-19 work-related and burnout syndrome. The factors associated with burnout syndrome score were analyzed by using multiple linear regression.

Result: Responses were obtained from 67 residents (response rate of 26.17%), They were male 38 participants (56.72%). The average duty time was 84.87 hours/weeks. They report insufficient of sleep hours (59.70%) and used to thought of resign from training (58.21%). Most of them used to work on COVID-19 related job. Residents have high level of emotional exhaustion 50.74%, high level of depersonalization 38.81% and a high reduced personal accomplishment 0%. Result of multiple linear regression analysis showed factors related to emotional exhaustion were working hours, insufficient of sleep hours , insufficient of advisor and used to thought of resign from training. Depersonalization was associate with insufficient of advisor. For personal accomplishment, it related with conflict in work place.

Conclusion: This study shows, the most of residents have high emotional exhaustion. Many factors were related. Reduced or appropriate management of associated factor lead to decreasing burnout syndromes.

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How to Cite
Tuangpermsub, R., Nuallaong, . W. ., & Charernboon, T. (2021). Burnout and Related Factor among Residents of Thammasat University Hospital In the COVID-19 outbreak. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 66(2), 189–202. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPAT/article/view/246749
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