Association between Parental Attachment, Sexual and Substance Use Problems among Patients with Gender Dysphoria

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Rachanit Yensabai
Komsan Kiatrungrit


Objective: To study the prevalence and association among parental attachment, other factors, substance use and sex-related behavioral problems in patients with gender dysphoria.

Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted at gender variation (Gen-V) clinic, Ramathibodi Hospital. Participants were assessed with online questionnaire including demographic data, Thai version of the inventory of parent and peer attachment (IPPA) and Thai version of youth risk behavior survey (TYRBS).

Results: There are 103 participants in this study with the mean age of 29.47 years. Eighty-one of them (78.6%) were female. Fifty-four of the participants (52.4%) had smoked, ninety of them (87.4%) had drunk alcohol and ten of them (9.7%) had used other substances. The good parental attachment was found to be associated with decrease risk of irregularly condom usage, condom usage in last sexual intercourse, and blood test for HIV infection.

Conclusion: The prevalence of substance use and sex-related behavioral problems among patients with gender dysphoria is higher than general population. The individual factors and good parental attachment can protect risky behaviors in people with gender dysphoria. Promoting secure attachment might help prevent various behavioral problems in this group of people.

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How to Cite
Yensabai, R. ., & Kiatrungrit, K. . (2021). Association between Parental Attachment, Sexual and Substance Use Problems among Patients with Gender Dysphoria . Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 65(4), 355–372. retrieved from
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