Depression Among Students in Major of Health Science

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กรรณิการ์ กาญจนสุวรรณ


Objective : To examine the prevalence and factors associated with depression among students from a major of health science.

Method : This study was a cross-sectional analytical study. The data was collected from 172 students from a major of health science by questionnaire and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) Thai Version. Descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regression were both used to analyze the data and to uncover the relationship of the factors that contribute to depression.

Results : In accordance with the last equation, in which the impacts from all related factors were controlled, the factors holding significant association (p-value < 0.05) with depression among the health science students has been Arguing with boyfriends or girlfriends (ORadj = 3.74, 95% CI = 1.30 – 10.78) Having difficulty sleeping (ORadj = 3.97, 95% CI = 2.00 – 7.89) and Having family conflicts (ORadj = 3.8, 95% CI = 1.56 – 9.25). In addition, the students were found to have had a high rate of depression 45.3% (95% CI = 37.99 – 52.91).

Conclusion : Depression among students is a serious mental health condition that can lead individuals to commit suicide. In order to inhibit the risk of depression, it is advised that caring and love be presented among family members. Therefore, it is of crucial importance that the university conduct trainings on the prevention of depression and how responsive measures can be undertaken. It is important for the university to also conduct depression screening at least one time per semester. The students, who are observed to have comprehensive depression symptoms, should be referred to psychiatrist for professional consultation. These measures should help to prevent depressive, incidences of self-assault, and suicidal acts.


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How to Cite
กาญจนสุวรรณ ก. (2021). Depression Among Students in Major of Health Science. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 65(4), 343–354. retrieved from
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