Validity and Reliability of Mental Illness: Clinicians’ Attitudes Scale (Medical student version) MICA-2 Thai Version

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Genis Seera
Neshda Nimmawitt
Saran Vanitchpongphan
Woraphat Ratta-apha


Objective: To test the validity and reliability of Mental Illness: Clinicians’ Attitudes Scale (Medical student version) or MICA-2 Thai version

Methodology: MICA-2 was translated from English to Thai and was reviewed by experts for content validity using Index of Item-Objective Congruence (IOC). Back translation was performed and received approval from the copyright owner of the MICA-2. Internal consistency of MICA-2 Thai version was evaluated by calculating Cronbach’s alpha coefficient.

Results: 311 medical students completed the scale. The content validity of MICA-2 Thai version showed IOC mostly more than 0.5 (13 out of 16 items total). The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for all scale was 0.614.

Conclusion: The Mental Illness: Clinicians’ Attitudes Scale (Medical student version) or MICA-2 Thai version has moderate validity and reliability. It is a promising assessment scale for the attiude of Thai medical students toward mental illness.

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How to Cite
Seera, G., Nimmawitt, N., Vanitchpongphan, S., & Ratta-apha, W. (2021). Validity and Reliability of Mental Illness: Clinicians’ Attitudes Scale (Medical student version) MICA-2 Thai Version. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 65(3), 219–232. retrieved from
Original Articles


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