Relationships between Mindsets and Weight Control Specific Compensatory Beliefs

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สิทธิชัย ทองวร


Objectives : To develop the “Mindset Scale” and investigate relationships between
mindsets and weight control specific compensatory beliefs among undergraduate
Methods : The participants in this study were 654 undergraduate students who were
under weight control. The “Mindset Scale” and the “Weight Control Specific Compensatory
Scale” were main measurements in this study. Internal consistency was analyzed by
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. In addition, confirmatory factor analysis and structural
equation modeling analysis were used to analyze construct validity and relationships
between mindsets and weight control specific compensatory beliefs.
Results : The “Mindset Scale” consisted of two domains (growth mindset and fixed
mindset) and had good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha coefficient were between
0.821 - 0.963). Moreover, the growth mindset had negative effect on weight control
specific compensatory beliefs and fixed mindset had positive effect on weight control
specific compensatory beliefs.
Conclusion : The “Mindset Scale” had good psychometric properties which can be
applied for further researches. Moreover, mindsets were considered as one of the most
important psychological structures which determine individuals’ compensatory beliefs.

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How to Cite
ทองวร ส. (2019). Relationships between Mindsets and Weight Control Specific Compensatory Beliefs. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 64(3), 271–282. retrieved from
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