Validity of CAGE-AID Questionnaire in Screening for Amphetamine Dependence or Abuse in Pregnancy

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Nongnuch Sattagornpornprom
Kamonnet Wannasewok
Sontuss Bussaratid
Pornpimol Ruangvutilert


Objective :

To verify the validity of CAGE-AID questionnaire in screening for amphetamine dependence or abuse during pregnancy at Siriraj Hospital.

Method :

A cross-sectional study was conducted. Eighty four pregnant women who delivered at obstetrics department of Siriraj Hospital between1st September 2011 to 30th April 2012 were recruited for this study. The CAGE-AID questionnaire was asked for screening for amphetamine dependence or abuse. The result was compared to the diagnosis of the psychiatrist that used DSM IV-TR criteria (as the gold standard). Demographic data and validity indices (sensitivity and specificity) were calculated by SPSS version 17.0 program.

Result :

The eighty four pregnant women who delivered at Siriraj Hospital were screened for amphetamine dependence or abuse. Between the group of amphetamine dependence or abuse and the group of no diagnosis of amphetamine use disorder, there were no significant differences in age, marital status, education, occupation, income, underlying disease, or alcohol drinking. The significant differences were found more often in the pregnant women who lived in Bangkok, and smoking in the group of amphetamine dependence or abuse than the group of no diagnosis of amphetamine use disorder. Using a cut-off point of 2, the CAGE-AID questionnaire had sensitivity of 79.5% and specificity of 97.8%. The positive predictive value and negative predictive value were 96.9% and 84.6%.

Conclusion :

The validity of the CAGE-AID questionnaire in screening for amphetamine dependence or abuse had good sensitivity and specificity. Since the questionnaire is short and can be easily applied, it could be useful in screening for amphetamine dependence or abuse in inpatients.

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How to Cite
Sattagornpornprom, N., Wannasewok, K., Bussaratid, S., & Ruangvutilert, P. (2015). Validity of CAGE-AID Questionnaire in Screening for Amphetamine Dependence or Abuse in Pregnancy. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 58(4), 385–394. retrieved from
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