One-Year Follow-Up of Parent Management Training Program for Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems

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ภาวิตา จงสุขศิริ
สุพร อภินันทเวช
สิรินัดดา ปัญญาภาส


Objectives : To study the long term effectiveness of parent management training program for
children with externalizing behavior problems at 6 months and 1 year follow up.
Methodology : This was a quasi-experimental study. The experimental group comprised of
39 parents of children with externalizing behavior problems who participated in the parent
management training during the year 2015-2016. The control group comprised of 32 parents who
attended the outpatient department. The tools used were general information questionnaire, the
modified IOWA Conners rating scale- Thai version, Weiss functional impairment rating scale- Thai
version and the modified parenting practice test. The data was analyzed using T-test and ANCOVA.
Results : The demographic data between the experimental and control group was statistically
different in the following areas: child’s sex, parent’s age, income and GPA. There’s a statistically
significant change within the experimental group comparing baseline scores to immediate
post-treatment and 6-month and 1-year follow up in the following measures: The modified IOWA
Conners rating scale - Thai version (p = 0.024 and p = 0.028), Weiss functional impairment
rating scale- Thai version (p = 0.005, 0.001 and 0.038) and the modified parenting practice test.
(p = 0.005 and 0.001). There’s no statistically significant change between the control and the
experimental group in all 3 measures.
Conclusion : Parent management training program reduced child externalizing behavior, decreased
functional impairment and improved parenting practices. The benefits were maintained for at least
6 months. Due to loss to follow up we cannot conclude whether the benefits were maintained at
1 year post-program. The results between the experimental and control group were not statistically
different. There’s limitation in comparing between these two groups as both had some different
baseline factors.

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How to Cite
จงสุขศิริ ภ., อภินันทเวช ส., & ปัญญาภาส ส. (2019). One-Year Follow-Up of Parent Management Training Program for Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 64(2), 163–176. retrieved from
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