Factors Associated Quality of life in Elderly with Major Depressive Disorder at Psychiatric Outpatient Unit, Ramathibodi Hospital

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สานิตย ์ ศรีเพชร
รุ่งทิพย์ ประเสริฐชัย
กมลชนก แสนทวีสุข
เกวลิน พิมพ์พิศคนึง
ภาพันธ์ ไทยพิสุทธิกุล


Objectives : To study the quality of life among elderly depressive patients, and
association between demographic data, severity of depression and quality of life.
Method : A cross-sectional study was conducted in elderly patients with major
depressive disorder who were attended outpatient clinic at Department of Psychiatry,
Ramathibodi hospital, between September 2017 and September 2018. Participants
were assessed by Mini-Cog test, demographic data form, HAM-D (Hamilton rating scale
for depression) and WHOQOL-BREF-THAI (World Health Organization quality of life-Thai
version). Data were analyzed using chi-square, Spearman’s rho and multiple linear
regression analysis
Results : There were 180 patients in this study, female 76.1% and male 23.9. Most of
them are 60-70 year old (67.8 %). Sixty-nine point four percent of patients had no
depressive symptoms (HAM-D<7). Quality of life assessed by WHOQOL-BREF-THAI
78.3 % of patients had fair quality of life. Educational level, perceived treatment outcome
and severity of depression associated with quality of life. Conclusion : Education level,
perceived treatment outcome, and severity of depression associated with quality of life
in elderly depressive patients. Furthermore, increasing of depression score on HAM-D
had negative influence on quality of life in elderly depressive patients.

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How to Cite
ศรีเพชร ส. ์., ประเสริฐชัย ร., แสนทวีสุข ก., พิมพ์พิศคนึง เ., & ไทยพิสุทธิกุล ภ. (2019). Factors Associated Quality of life in Elderly with Major Depressive Disorder at Psychiatric Outpatient Unit, Ramathibodi Hospital. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 64(1), 89–98. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPAT/article/view/180532
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