Validity and Reliability of Cyber-Aggression Perpetration and Victimization Scale: Thai Version

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กฤติศักดิ์ อนุโรจน์
ณัทธร พิทยรัตน์เสถียร


Objectives : Cyberbullying involves bullying through online means and is associated with
psychiatric problems such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, suicidality, psychosomatic
symptoms, hyperactivity, absenteeism, substance use, etc. There currently exists no measure
for cyberbullying in Thai and we sought to validate one.
Methods : The questionnaire consists of 2 sections, 24 items in total. It was translated by
independent translator and its content was validated by a group of experts. Face validity was
performed with volunteers. Final version was validated in 295 middle-school students in
Bangkok for reliability and construct validity through exploratory factor analysis.
Results : Final item-objective congruence indices were between 0.8 and 1. Cronbach’s α were
0.850 and 0.856 for each section. Exploratory factor analysis extracted 4 factors. Redundant,
non-relevant, and non-acceptable-for-answer items were removed and 2 factors were extracted.
Conclusions : Being face-validated, content-validated, construct validated, and tested for
internal consistency, Cyber-aggression perpetration and victimization scale: Thai version is a
valid measure for cyberbullying in Thai context.

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How to Cite
อนุโรจน์ ก., & พิทยรัตน์เสถียร ณ. (2019). Validity and Reliability of Cyber-Aggression Perpetration and Victimization Scale: Thai Version. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 64(1), 45–60. retrieved from
Original Articles


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