Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Childhood Epilepsy in Ramathibodi Hospital and Related Factors

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ภัทรพร ปานดี
คมสันต์ เกียรติรุ่งฤทธิ์
สัญชัย กุลาดี
ชัยยศ คงคติธรรม
ภัทรพร วิสาจันทร์
สุดาวรรณ จุลเกตุ


Objective : To study the prevalence of attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
in pediatric patients with epilepsy and factors related to attention-deficit/ hyperactivity
symptoms and epilepsy at Ramathibodi hospital.
Methods : A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted at epilepsy clinic,
Ramathibodi hospital. Parents of children with epilepsy were asked to answer the
demographic questionnaire and ADHD screening test (SNAP-IV). Seizure characteristics
were collected by medical record review.
Results : From the hundred patients (0.6:0.4, male: female), whose mean age was 10.21,
30 % (n=30) had attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Of the latter group, 43.33 %
(n=13) were of combined-presentation. Comorbidity with autism spectrum disorders
(ASD) and younger paternal age were found to be associated factors of ADHD symptoms
in epilepsy patients, none of the epilepsy-related factors is significantly associated with
ADHD symptom.
Conclusion : The prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity symptoms in patients at
Ramathibodi hospital with epilepsy is higher than the general population. However,
most of the risk factors are similar to the general patients with ADHD.

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How to Cite
ปานดี ภ., เกียรติรุ่งฤทธิ์ ค., กุลาดี ส., คงคติธรรม ช., วิสาจันทร์ ภ., & จุลเกตุ ส. (2019). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Childhood Epilepsy in Ramathibodi Hospital and Related Factors. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 64(1), 33–44. retrieved from
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