Prescribing Pattern of Antipsychotic Long Acting Injections for the Treatment of Schizophrenia Patients in Suan Prung Psychiatric Hospital

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Rewadee Jenraumjit
Vorrawee Tethanyawarakool
Hathaiphat Kongkhamboot
Namfon Piyatrakul


Objective : To study the prescribing pattern of antipsychotic long-acting injections: (LAIs) for the
treatment of schizophrenia patients in Suan Prung Psychiatric Hospital, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Method : A retrospective descriptive study was conducted to examine the database and
medical records of patients with schizophrenia. The study period was in October 1, 2014
to September 30, 2016. We collected data from the date patient initially received LAIs
and follow-up for 6-month period. Collected details of LAIs included type, dosage and
administration, concomitant oral antipsychotic drugs or other psychotropic medications,
and documented adverse drug reactions from LAIs by pharmacist. Analyzes were used for
descriptive statistics, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
Result : All of the 100 samples were enrolled to the study. The majority of patients (61.0%)
receiving LAIs had non-adherence history. The most prescribed LAIs was fluphenazine
decanoate (89.0%), followed by haloperidol decanoate (5.0%), paliperidone palmitate
(5.0%), and risperidone microspheres (1.0%). More than 90.0% of the samples received
LAIs in combination with oral antipsychotic drugs (combination therapy). All patients
received combination therapy over a 6-month follow-up period. Adverse drug reactions
were documented in 17 patients and all of them were extrapyramidal symptoms. The most
documented symptoms were acute dystonia and parkinsonism. The results showed that 91.4%
of these patients received combination therapy.
Conclusion : The most prescribed LAIs for the treatment of schizophrenia patients in Suan
Prung Psychiatric Hospital was a first-generation antipsychotic drugs and was often prescribed
concomitant with oral antipsychotic drugs for long-term period. LAIs therapy should be reviewed
to develop a practice guideline in the context of Thailand. Eventually, to maximize benefit of
LAIs therapy to schizophrenia patients.

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How to Cite
Jenraumjit, R., Tethanyawarakool, V., Kongkhamboot, H., & Piyatrakul, N. (2018). Prescribing Pattern of Antipsychotic Long Acting Injections for the Treatment of Schizophrenia Patients in Suan Prung Psychiatric Hospital. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 63(4), 335–348. retrieved from
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