Alcohol-dependent Trajectory after 1 Year Hospital Discharge

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สุนทรี ศรีโกไสย
ศิริศักดิ์ ธิติดิลกรัตน์
หทัยชนนี บุญเจริญ
ดวงเดือน ไชยน้อย
อภิศักดิ์ วิทยานุกูลลักษณ์
นภัสสรณ์ รังสิเวโรจน์
ลษิตา ศรีธรรมชาติ
ทิพาพร วงศ์หงษ์กุล


Objective : To examine the trajectory of alcohol dependence and trajectory of hospital
readmission within one year after hospital discharge among alcohol-dependent patients in
Northern Thailand, and as well as, identify factors related to re-drinking within the first month
after hospital discharge.
Methods : A prospective descriptive study was applied in this study. The population sample
was 618 patients with alcohol dependence receiving an inpatient treatment at Suan Prung
Psychiatric Hospital and Thanyarak Chiangmai Hospital. Data was analyzed using frequency,
percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square test, and Fisher exact test.
Results : There are three groups of trajectories of alcohol dependence which include
a stable phase in the first month after discharge (early remission) which showed 55%
(n = 340), an unstable phase (heavy drinking) but unnecessary to rehospitalization within
1 year of discharge being as 30.2% (n=187), and the readmission phase being as 51.8%
(n= 320). Re-hospitalization data identified 3 trajectory groups: short duration to readmission
as 16.56% (n=53), medium duration to readmission as 32.50% (n=104), and long duration
to readmission as 50.94% (n=163). Factors related to re-drinking within the first month after
hospital discharge include gender, type of alcohol beverage, heavy drinking within 4-week
before admission, and motivational level.
Conclusion : The findings bring to light the differences of alcohol-dependent trajectory and the
hospital readmission trajectory, as well as factors related to re-drinking within the first month.
Therefore, a specific intervention program for each type of trajectory is necessary in order to
extend a stable phase as long as possible.

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How to Cite
ศรีโกไสย ส., ธิติดิลกรัตน์ ศ., บุญเจริญ ห., ไชยน้อย ด., วิทยานุกูลลักษณ์ อ., รังสิเวโรจน์ น., ศรีธรรมชาติ ล., & วงศ์หงษ์กุล ท. (2018). Alcohol-dependent Trajectory after 1 Year Hospital Discharge. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 63(2), 153–166. retrieved from
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