Validation of Thai version of Smartphone Addiction Proneness Scale for adults

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พนิดา หาญพิทักษ์พงศ์
นวลลออ ธวินชัย


Objective : To translate the Smartphone Addiction Proneness Scale (SAPS) for adults
into Thai and to examine the psychometric properties of the Thai version of SAPS.
Materials and methods : After completing the forward- and the back-translation, the
content validity was determined. Then, internal consistency and construct validity of
the Thai-SAPS were tested among 200 participants. Also, the test-retest reliability was
evaluated in 30 participants.
Results : The average index of item-objective congruence value of the 15 items was
0.86. The intra-class correlation coefficient value was 0.79 (95% CI; 0.61-0.89). The
overall Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.83 (95% CI; 0.79-0.86). The factor analysis
indicated acceptable construct validity. All items on the Thai-SAPS had significant
estimated factor loading values (p<0.05).
Conclusion : This scale can be used as a suitable tool in order to determine smartphone
addiction for Thais since it achieved good validity and a high reliability score.

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How to Cite
หาญพิทักษ์พงศ์ พ., & ธวินชัย น. (2018). Validation of Thai version of Smartphone Addiction Proneness Scale for adults. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 63(2), 141–152. retrieved from
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