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Tippa Chetchaovalit
Wilawan Christraksa
Damrong Wae-Alee
Sunanta Setthawatcharawanit


Objective : To study the levels of the needs of caregrivers at patients’ home and the effects
of individual factors of the needs of caregivers providing home care for psychiatric patients
living in the border of southern Thailand.
Methods : The sample consisted of 103 caregivers who live in the unrest area and who brought
the patients to psychiatric outpatient unit in Yala Hospital during May 2015 to January 2016.
The instrument was a Tippa et al. questionnaire (2010) which developed from the needs of
Thai-Muslim caregivers at home of Wantaya’s questionnaire (2005). Data was analyzed by
using percentage, mean, standard deviation, indepent t-test and one-way ANOVA.
Results : The overall of the needs of caregivers were in the high level and all of each dimension
of caregivers’ needs were also high; the need of participation in care planning, knowledge and
information, training in caring skills, religious and cultural beliefs, and support dimensions. In
addition; the religion factor with the need of religious and cultural beliefs and knowledge and
information dimensions were significant related (p < 0.05), the emotional and feeling factor
was related to the need of knowledge and information and religious and cultural beliefs and
knowledge and information dimensions significantly (p < 0.05), and the diagnosis factor had
significant associated with all dimension of the needs (p < 0.05) except for the religious and
cultural beliefs dimension. The diagnosis of F20-F29 had significant lower scores of the needs
of cargivers than F30-F30 and F99 (p < 0.001).
Conclusions : These findings acknowledge the needs of caregivers in caring for psychiatric
patients at homes under unrest situations; care planning, knowledge and information,
training in caring skills, religious and cultural beliefs, and support dimensions were high
levels. Moreover, the religions, emotional and feelings, diagnosis factors had significant
effects to the caregivers’ needs. Health officers should recognize about the factors which could
support the stratigies to promote the needs for caregivers.

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How to Cite
Chetchaovalit, T., Christraksa, W., Wae-Alee, D., & Setthawatcharawanit, S. (2017). ความต้องการของผู้ดูแลผู้ป่วยจิตเวชที่บ้านในสถานการณ์ความไม่สงบในชายแดนใต้. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 62(4), 323–336. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPAT/article/view/107483
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