How to preserve residual renal function among patients on peritoneal dialysis

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Kittiphan Chienwichai
Sarinya Boongird


Residual renal function is of paramount importance among patients on chronic peritoneal dialysis treatment because it has been associated with several clinical benefits, particularly a lower mortality rate. In the last decades, conventional strategies to preserve residual renal function have been widely implemented, including but not limited to optimizing volume status, controlling blood pressure and using drugs to inhibit the renin–angiotensin system. Recently, evidence has emerged supporting the roles of biocompatible low glucose degradation products solutions, icodextrin, different peritoneal dialysis techniques, diuretic use, and low protein diet with ketoacid supplement on residual renal function preservation. Nevertheless, from the currently available information, we remain uncertain whether the aforementioned tactics can halt kidney function decline. Further large scale randomized controlled studies are needed to confirm the beneficial effects of these strategies on residual renal function. In this review, we summarized current evidence regarding each technique concerning residual renal function preservation among
patients with chronic peritoneal dialysis. We hope that health care providers would understand the pivotal roles of residual renal function preservation, and be able to apply knowledge to improve patient care and outcomes.

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How to Cite
Chienwichai, K. ., & Boongird, S. . (2022). How to preserve residual renal function among patients on peritoneal dialysis. Journal of the Nephrology Society of Thailand, 27(3), 38–45. retrieved from
Review Article


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