Relationship between health literacy and related factors with dietary behavior and medication intake of hypertension patients in Banmi District, Lopburi Province

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Chanonporn Sangdurn
Mondha Kengganpanich
Sarunya Benjakul


This cross-sectional survey research aimed to examine the relationship between health literacy and factors influencing dietary behavior and medication intake among patients with hypertension in Banmi District, Lopburi Province.
The samples comprised 275 hypertension patients diagnosed by physician and receiving services at the Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital in Ban Mi District, Lopburi Province, selected through systematic multistage sampling. Data were collected through structured interviews and analyzed using Chi-square test. The results revealed that personal factors, including occupation, sources of information about hypertension, knowledge of hypertension, social support from family members,
public health personnel, village health volunteers (VHVs), the use of social media for health-related information, and health literacy were significantly associated with dietary behavior and medication intake (p<0.05). Specially, areas of health literacy showing a significant relationship were data evaluation and data application (p<0.05). Consequently, primary healthcare services should develop the higher health literacy of patients and family members, considering the patient's context.

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How to Cite
Sangdurn C, Kengganpanich M, Benjakul S. Relationship between health literacy and related factors with dietary behavior and medication intake of hypertension patients in Banmi District, Lopburi Province. JMPH4 [internet]. 2025 Mar. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 17];15(1):1-15. available from:
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