Knowledge, attitude, behavior and sodium content in the food prepared by households among prototyping low salt in community of the upper northern region Thailand

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Isaraphong Perdpern
Amnut Muangkaew
Khetsirin Puttawong
Jitrat Pongtong


The objective of this Quasi-experimental study was to examine the relationship and compare the mean value of knowledge, attitude, behavior, and sodium content in the food prepared by households between the pre-and post-intervention phases. The study was conducted using a community-based intervention for non-communicable disease control in four provinces of the upper northern region of Thailand, with a sample of 238 individuals. Data were collected via questionnaires to assess a community model for reducing salt and sodium in food in the northern region of Thailand before and after the intervention, between May and August 2021. Statistical analysis was performed using Pearson's correlation coefficient and paired sample T-tests. The results showed that mean knowledge and consumption of salty food increased, while sodium content in cooked food decreased from pre-intervention at a statistically significant level of 0.05. However, attitude did not change significantly. In terms of the relationship between knowledge, attitude, behavior, and sodium content in cooked food, the study found that knowledge had a positive relationship with food attitude and attitude had a positive relationship with food consumption behavior at a statistically significant level of 0.05. Based on these findings, it is recommended that a community action plan be implemented to reduce salt, including the establishment of community measures and the creation of an environment that encourages changes in salt consumption, such as raising awareness and increasing communication channels from public health personnel and community leaders.

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How to Cite
Perdpern I, Muangkaew A, Puttawong K, Pongtong J. Knowledge, attitude, behavior and sodium content in the food prepared by households among prototyping low salt in community of the upper northern region Thailand. JMPH4 [internet]. 2023 Dec. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];13(3):16-31. available from:
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