Effect of health behavior change program on food consumption among hypertensive disease patients with chronic kidney disease stage 3 In Banmi District, Lop Buri Province

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Mano Maneechay
Bunnaris Saisum
Utaiwan kwawpichit


The objective of this quasi-experimental research was to study the effect of health behaviors change program on the Food consumption of chronic kidney disease level 3 hypertensive patients in Ban Mi District, Lop Buri Province. 76 in the experimental group and 221 in the control group. The experimental group received education with salt meter, and the control group received education only. Data were collected between October 2021 and March 2022, and were analyzed using description statistics, and Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient and paired sample t-test were used. The results showed that most of the experimental group had a very good level of knowledge about kidney disease. The average of dietary health behavior was good level. After the study, the average salinity of salt intake, systolic and diastolic decreased. The systolic and diastolic were significant at p=0.000 and p=0.000 respectively. while the results tested differences in systolic averages in the experimental and control groups. There was a statistically significant (t=2.8, P=0.05), but the diastolic pressure level average was not significant. The findings suggested that patients should be constantly educated and involved on their own in determining dietary guidelines in conjunction with tools that can measure salinity in their food. This will strengthen their motivation to change behavior sustainably.

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How to Cite
Maneechay M, Saisum B, kwawpichit U. Effect of health behavior change program on food consumption among hypertensive disease patients with chronic kidney disease stage 3 In Banmi District, Lop Buri Province. JMPH4 [internet]. 2022 Dec. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];12(2):22-35. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMPH4/article/view/257644
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