Incidence of Adverse Reaction in whole blood donation and plateletpheresis donation at Central Chest Institute of Thailand and mobile units obtained by Line Official Account within 2 days after donation

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Patthamarat Buranasiri
Wipada Chanakiet
Kantanat Natpol


The incidences of adverse donor reactions (ADR) after whole-blood donation and plateletpheresis  was important data to solve problem. This study was to develop monitoring measure in order to cover ADR which occurred 2 days after donation. The donors were asked to answer the questionnaires recording their ADR within 2 days after blood donation and sent back by Line official Account (Line OA), between September 1,2021 to January 31,2022. The data were managed through Line OA and analyzed by using Excel. The SPSS program was used to perform chi-square test. The level of statistical significance was determined at p-value<0.05. There were 1,299 donors (14.82% of 1,896) who participated in this study. Specifically, 1,030 (83.81%) donate  in-house unit and 199(10.5%) at the mobile unit. The ADR occurred to 224 donors (18.23%), 135 donors (60.27%) and 89 donors (39.73%) of total donors female and male donors,respectively. The ADR in-house unit occurred more frequent than at the mobile unit, 188 (83.93%) and 36 (16.07%), respectively. The ADR occurred to 192 (85.71%) whole blood donors and 32 (14.29%) plasma-platelet apheresis donors. Among 1,299 donors 142 (11.55%) developed local ADR. The most common local ADR was mild hematoma/bruise which occurred to 116 (67.44%) reactions and 110 (8.95%) developed vasovagal reactions.The most VVR was mild vasovagal reaction which occurred to 111 (88.1%) reactions. Among 224 ADR donors 208 (92.86%) donors were experienced ADR. The prevalence of ADR by donor sent back the questionnaires by Line OA is effective in monitoring of ADR.

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How to Cite
Buranasiri P, Wipada Chanakiet, Kantanat Natpol. Incidence of Adverse Reaction in whole blood donation and plateletpheresis donation at Central Chest Institute of Thailand and mobile units obtained by Line Official Account within 2 days after donation. JMPH4 [internet]. 2022 Dec. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];12(2):1-11. available from:
Original Articles
Author Biography

Patthamarat Buranasiri, Central Chest Institute of Thailand

Medical technologist


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