Quality improvement of nursing record for drug abuse patients at Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment

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Wimon Lukanapichonchut
Thapanee Panupas
Sasiporn Wingworn
Phimpha Yoosom


Nursing recording is crucial. Registered nurses must record their nursing activities accurately, completely, and with quality. It reflects the specialty of nursing processes. It is useful for nursing cares and patient treatments. This quasi-experimental study aimed to measure the effects before, after and the follow-up period. The objectives  were to study the results of the quality improvement of nursing records for drug abuse patients. The sample included 85 registered nurses in wards and medical records of drug abuse patients that have been discharge 468 medical records. These medical records were collected 156 records in each period. Quality improvement activities program consisted of workshop for improving the quality of nursing record for drug abuse patients, develop a new patient admission form, nursing record for drug abuse patients guideline, revised of nursing record ,feedback of the results of the assessment of  nursing record and  quality of  nursing record and suggestions for improving nursing record. Data were collected from self-efficacy questionnaires in writing nursing records of drug abuse patients by registered nurses, nursing record assessment forms and nursing records quality analysis form from medical record of patients that have been discharged. Data were analyzed by descriptive, T test, and Repeated measure ANOVA statistics. Results: 1) Mean scores of self-efficacy in writing nursing records were significantly improved in all aspects after workshop, P-value<.001 2) Mean scores of nursing record assessment forms after program and follow-up period were significantly higher than before program, P-value<.001 mean scores after program and follow-up period were not significant difference, P-value = .490. 3) Mean scores of nursing records quality analysis forms after program and follow-up period were significantly higher than before program, P-value<.001 mean scores after program and follow-up period were not significant difference, P-value = .589

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How to Cite
Lukanapichonchut W, Panupas T, Wingworn S, Yoosom P. Quality improvement of nursing record for drug abuse patients at Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment. JMPH4 [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 8 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];12(1):68-79. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMPH4/article/view/253040
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