Nursing care of AIDS patients with severe concomitant tuberculosis at home : Case Study

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Punjamarpon Satjeenphong


Being sick with AIDS damages the body's immune system After being infected with HIV and getting opportunistic infections causing a faster death, the risk of developing TB increases 113 to 170 times The concept of health promotion theory of pender and the process of nursing long term patients at home (home health care) is applied for patients to recive continuous care Patients eating on time regularly and not refusing AIDS and tuberculosis drugs have the result of health enhancing behaviors allowing independent self care with complications and reducing the spreading of TB within families and communities Also a holistic nursing plan would be implemented to evaluate a patients health condition which would cover physical health, mental health and social abilities In a holistic nursing plan a diagnoses would be made for the patients condition than a plan would be created relating to their needs Throughout this process a new innovative way to record medication intake would be used as well Information can also be forwarded to multidisciplinary teams and agencies that are willing to help with various issues From this case study, it was found that providing comprehensive and continuous nursing care for multidimensional patients based on the patient, family and community allows for patients to have a good quality life

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How to Cite
Satjeenphong P. Nursing care of AIDS patients with severe concomitant tuberculosis at home : Case Study. JMPH4 [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 8 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];12(1):13-26. Available from:
Case report


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