The Result of Smart kid Coacher Application on Nutritionaland Knowledge of Overweight School Children at 4 Pilot School Sammutprakan

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Kunatee sangnak


Majorities of problems on school-age children are overweight and obesity and those are the risk to chronic illness. The quasi-experimental research design was conducted. This study aimed to test the effect of Smart Kid Coacher program on nutrition status and Knowledge of nutrition among students with overweight. There were 136 participants who were convenience sampling method from 4 areas of the primary school. Those consisted 1) Wat PhraekKaSa School 2) NakdeeWitthaya School 3) Municipal School 1 in Ramkhamhaeng Demonstrated School and 4) Wat Rat Bamrung Community School. The Smart Kid Coacher program was applied from Child Weight Management of the Department of Health Ministry of Public Health and Pender's health promotion model, and which was conducted after data collecting at baseline. There were 2 parts of data collections; 1) the questionnaires that covered eating and exercise behavior, and 2) body mass index. Those were collected in 3 times; baseline, post-experiment at 3 months, and follow up period at 6 months. The descriptive statistics; frequency, percentile, and mean were used. The finding; there was no significance of knowledge of nutrition in those of pre-experiment, post-experiment, and follow up (p-value >.05). However, in post-experiment; there were higher levels of nutrition status with different significance than pre-experiment. Most of the participants (88.83%) had constant both of body weight and height. 11 participants decreased +3 S.D. to +2 S.D. (8.09%), 9 participants decreased +2 S.D. to +1.5 S.D. (6.62%), and only one participant decreased +2 S.D. to Median (0.74%). In contrast there one participant increased in nutrition status from +2S.D. to +3S.D. (0.74%). Therefore, these results showed that no difference of nutrition status and researcher recommend that; 1) should encourage schools to organize activities that focused on self-awareness, empowerment and provide the environment for nutrition behavior modification.

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How to Cite
sangnak K. The Result of Smart kid Coacher Application on Nutritionaland Knowledge of Overweight School Children at 4 Pilot School Sammutprakan. JMPH4 [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];9(2):65-74. Available from:
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