Factors affecting prevention and surveillance of myocardial infarction in the risk group, Sao Hai District, Saraburi Province. 2562

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Nonglux Sutammarux


This study is a descriptive research studying factors affecting the prevention and surveillance of myocardial infarction (MI) in the risk group, Sao Hai district, Saraburi province. The subjects are 150 people living in Sao Hai district who had diabetic mellitus or high blood pressure with CVD risk screening results ≥ 30% or those aged 35 and over with high body mass index (BMI), high waist circumference or regular smoking, participating in the program to change health behavior reducing cardiovascular disease in the district. Research tools were a questionnaire consisting of personal information, knowledge of MI, health behavior, family participation and preventive behaviors and surveillance of MI. The analysis included descriptive statistics, statistical comparison (One-way ANOVA or T- test) and Pearson’s correlation. The results showed that personal factors including age, marital status, education, occupation, BMI, smoking and having diabetes or high blood pressure were not associated with preventive behaviors and surveillance of MI. But there was a significant (p< .04, 001) difference of preventive behaviors and surveillance of MI between sex and social positions of family members in each family. About 81.33% of the samples had high knowledge about MI, 79.33% had medium perception of disease risk, 66.00% had high perception of disease severity, and 49.33% had medium perception of usefulness of preventive behaviors and surveillance of MI. Perceptions of disease risk, disease severity, and usefulness of preventive behaviors and surveillance of MI were significantly (p< .001) correlated with preventive behaviors and surveillance of MI (r = 0.318, r = 0.366, and r = 0.465 respectively). About 88.00% of the samples had high participation in preventive behaviors and surveillance of MI. There was a significant (p< .001) correlation between participation of family and preventive surveillance behaviors (r = 0.465). Recommendations for prevention and surveillance of MI in the community should include increasing perceptions and encouraging their family to participate in prevention and surveillance of the disease. This model may be useful for prevention and surveillance of other diseases.

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How to Cite
Sutammarux N. Factors affecting prevention and surveillance of myocardial infarction in the risk group, Sao Hai District, Saraburi Province. 2562. JMPH4 [Internet]. 2020 Aug. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];9(2):29-38. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMPH4/article/view/248574
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