Evaluating the effectiveness of alcohol consumption control at district levels in Health Region 4, fiscal year 2018

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Wuttisak Rakdach
Kulphassorn Sirimanassakul
Prapa Kongera
Nathapol Sriya


Evaluate the effectiveness of operations control alcohol consumption levels, the district. In the Health Region 4 Fiscal year 2018. Is an evaluation research using the CIPP Model. The objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of the district alcohol consumption control program. in the Health Region 4 data collection from reviewing relevant documents, in-depth interview with executives, ask the workers in the district public health offices and hospitals for 20 locations and survey of 602 people analyze data according to statistical methods. by using descriptive statistics. Which can be summarized as follows. Most of the people who study in Lopburi are female, with the highest age in less than 20 years. have a secondary education level / vocational certificate, no income, most people who drink alcohol, drink once a time (1-10 days / year). The environment in all departments is clear in the policy of controlling alcohol consumption at the district level. by adopting the national alcohol policy strategy 2011-2020 as a guide. The strategy 2 to reduce the danger of consumption. strategy 2 adjusting values and reduce drinking support. strategy 4 management of alcohol problems at the local level. Importing factors for all agencies to implement the national alcohol policy strategy as a guideline for personnel operations. and not equal enough in the budget used in the operation received but not enough materials there is a guide for media campaign. The planning process of the sso has a plan of operation. public relations campaign and public communication community development operations and surveillance and law enforcement the management structure is clear and responsible but responsible for tobacco and other work. Production unit has adopted a national alcohol policy strategy as a guideline for operation. meeting of the district committee by inserting into the head section meeting. results of perception and acceptance of alcohol control laws are low. the impact is compared with the target value of the country in 2015, passing the criteria 2 on the prevalence of consumers in the adult population aged 15 years and over (25.60 percent) and the proportion of regular consumers per person. Success factor focus on public relations, surveillance, and community cooperation. operating alongside other drugs cooperation between various sectors create a relationship between the therapist who is addicted and develop knowledge for personnel at all levels. Failure factors / obstacles the staff lacked knowledge and guidelines for the operation. law enforcement in the area is quite difficult. operation contrary to community culture low budget there are other more important drug problems. less responsible person discontinuity. Policy suggestions pushing the national alcohol policy strategy to be the agenda province district the allocation of inputs in the operation to be sufficient and in line with the problem condition. public relations communication campaign. Practical suggestions should implement an action plan according to the national alcohol policy strategy as a guideline for work intense law enforcement together with the ministry of education to raise awareness for youth groups and seeking partners for network operations at all levels.

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How to Cite
Rakdach W, Sirimanassakul K, Kongera P, Sriya N. Evaluating the effectiveness of alcohol consumption control at district levels in Health Region 4, fiscal year 2018. JMPH4 [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];9(2):1-14. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMPH4/article/view/248565
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