Lessons Learned from the Success of Health Network for community drug safety surveillance in Singburi Province

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Arkom Meeprasert


The Purposes of this qualitative research were; 1) The lesson learned for the conditions that to be success with using health network to manage drug safety problems; and 2) to study the outcomes through attitude, knowledge and behavior related to use contaminated steroids product among population in Sing Buri province. This research was collected the data by interview to executives (district health officers and hospital directors from 6 districts) and focus group to 24 district officers and hospital pharmacists and also collected using questionnaire and interview 505 elderly from 6 districts. This qualitative data was used thematic analysis, and quantitative data was used descriptive statistics. The result revealed that; 1. The conditions that to be success in executive perspectives have 6 main points; as follows, 1) obvious policy from every level of executives 2) there are guidelines to operate and monitor 3) have working groups entire organization and community 4) coverage efficient data 5) building health literacy and 6) awareness to self-care. Moreover, in local officer perspectives have 5 main points; as follows, 1) building learning with community health network by story-telling from community 2) community should have consensus agreement to monitor the operation 3) collaboration of multidisciplinary team in home visiting and health promoting 4) meeting of board committee continuously and 5) have good coordinator. 2. The outcomes of the operation found that the elders have knowledge about steroid; recognized about steroid with 70%, recognized that the doctors who can prescribe with 79.17%, recognized term of steroid use with 51.10%, recognized the harm of use contaminated steroid product that cause kidney failure with 34.91%. Furthermore, the elders have very good attitudes toward good health product with mean 11.22 and SD 2.44 The elders have very good behaviors in use health products with mean 17.05 and SD 1.39 The recommend of this study, public health officers should concern about the conditions that to be success in operations; such as services, participation of health network, monitoring and supporting the budget for successful operation.

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How to Cite
Meeprasert A. Lessons Learned from the Success of Health Network for community drug safety surveillance in Singburi Province . JMPH4 [Internet]. 2020 Feb. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];10(1):43-55. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMPH4/article/view/248478
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