Development of Patient Care Model for Patient Weaning from Mechanical Ventilator in Female-medical Ward, Nongkhai Hospital

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Piyajit Homvuttivong
Kajeewan Nunthaprodach
Wanpen Wisitchainont


This action research aimed to develop patient care model for patient weaning mechanical ventilator and to study the effectiveness of using the model in female-medical ward, Nongkhai Hospital. Purposive sampling were 14 nurses who work in female-medical ward and 30 mechanical ventilation patients.during 1 January 2020 – 30 April 2020. The research instruments were 1) The assessment of the readiness weaning ventilator. 2) evaluation from nurses’ opinions 3) evaluation for weaning performance of nurses.Data analysis were frequency distribution and percentage. Results: The results were as follow: The process to develop the patient Care Model for Patient weaning mechanical ventilator. It was relevant to the circumstance of the Female- medical ward Nongkhai Hospital. The Development of patient care model was feasible. The nurses expressed their opinions that the ventilator weaning model was appropriate for utilization at a high level, 85.71 %. The nurses follow the guidelines provide nursing care before removing the airway and monitor the patient’s weaning abilities and the outcome was 84.62%. For a clinical outcome achievement of ventilator weaning, the outcome was 76.67 %. The average length of stay in female medical ward was 4.70 days. Conclusion: Patient care model for patient weaning mechanical ventilator can enhance the success of weaning respirator and should be improved continually for nursing quality

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How to Cite
Homvuttivong P, Nunthaprodach K, Wisitchainont W. Development of Patient Care Model for Patient Weaning from Mechanical Ventilator in Female-medical Ward, Nongkhai Hospital. JMPH4 [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 2 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];11(1):10-8. Available from:
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