Preparation of HLA -A and HLA -B Antisera for HLA Typing in Thais
Anti-sera for HLA -A and HLA-B, ThaisAbstract
Abstract: Four hundred and sixty four sera were collected from pregnant Thai women who attended prenatal clinic at Rajavithi Hospital. These sera were screened for HLA -A, -B antibody specity by standard microlymphocytototoxicity test using panel lymphocytes which covered HLA A A and HLA-B antigen specificities commonly found in Thais. Thirty-six out of 464 sera were strongly positive and could be identified for HLA class I antibody specificity. There were 23 monospecific sera fresenting 9 HLA specifcities ie ; 9 cases of anti-HLA-A2, 2 cases of anti-HLA-A24, 4 cases of anti-HLA-B7, 1 case of ant-HLA-B44 (12), 1 case of anti-HLA-B13. 1 case of anti-HLA-B58, 2 cases of and-HLA-B35, 2 cases of anti-HLA-B46 and 1 case of and-HLA-Bw6]. The R-value of these HLA antbody specificities were greater than O.7. The other 10 sera were multispecific HLA antisera. To our beneft this project is not only racially specitic HLA typing sera for typing of HLA -A, -B antigens but it could be also used for preliminary study of disease and HLA association in Thais leading to the study using HLA DNA typing technique. However the HLA antubody specificities of HLA typing sera obtained were not covered every HLA specificity in Thais. Some HLA antibody specificities have to be purchased to make a complete HLA -A, -B typing tray.
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