The Incidence of Platelet Antibody in Thrombocytopenic Patients


  • Pawinee Kupatawintu National Blood Centre, Thai Red Cross Society
  • Nalinee Jitjak National Blood Centre, Thai Red Cross Society
  • Sukanda Saelee National Blood Centre, Thai Red Cross Society
  • Rachanee O-Charoen National Blood Centre, Thai Red Cross Society
  • Oytip Nathalang Department of Pathology, Phramongkutklao College of Medicine


Platelet antibody, Thrombocytopenic patients


Abstract: In a retrospective study of 163 thromboccytopenic patients who were tested for platelet antibody at the Reference Laboratory, in Co-Operation with the WHO, National Blood Centre. Thai Red Cross Society from June 19993 to December 1999 Alloimmune factors totalled 55 82% which developed most frequently in 33.12% of the patients with myeloprolferative disorders and in 9 9 2% for thrombocytopenic patients with unidentifed causes. HLA antibodies were detected in 49.69% of the patients while HPA antibodies were detected in only 6.13% of the patients. Among them, the HPA antibodies were HPA - 5b (1.23%), HPA - 2b(1.23%, HPA-3a (0:61%), Nak'(061%) and unidentifififibodies (2.45%). In conclusion, in order to prevent platet reffactoriness, it is necessary to select matched platelets as well as provide leukocyte reduced blood products to thromboccytopenic patients.


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