Safety of Pre-operative Autologous Blood Donation Among Potentially High-risk Cardiovascular Patients
Autologous, Potentially high-risk, Cardiovascular patients, Donation reactionAbstract
Abstract: In Rajavithi Hospital, Bangkok Thailand, the program of pre-operative one or two units autologous blood donation has been applied to the patients undergoing elective surgery mostly cardiovascular patients. Serious haemodynamic changing among these Thigh-risk' patients is considered one of the immediate complications related to phlebotomy, occuming either from vasovagal reaction or their own patho-physiological lesions, or both. Various forms and degree of donation reactions are also the imediate donation complication. Haemodynamic changing was studied by measuring blood pressure (BP) before and after phlebotomy in 250 donations among 158 patients defined as potentially risk group. A total of 156 were cardiovascular patients while the other two were third trimester pregnant women, compared with 107 donations among 79 non-risk patients. Donation reaction was also
observed. The BP were recorded fistly before each donation then monitored at the end of 5 mutes lying supine position and 10 minutes upright position consecutively after each donation. The numbers of post-donation systolic BP changing were collected as well as the numbers and degree of severity of donation reaction occurred. Chi-square test was used for statistically analysis There were no significant differences between the high-risk and non-risk group. Conchusion: autologous blood donation in high-risk patients such as cardiovascular cases under supervision of clinicians and blood bank physicians, is as safe as in non-risk patients and the procedure should be recommended for widely use.
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