การวิเคราะห์สาเหตุการปฏิเสธผู้บริจาคโลหิตในกระบวนการคัดกรองก่อนบริจาคโลหิต ณ ภาคบริการโลหิตแห่งชาติ จังหวัดภูเก็ต
Donor screening, Donor deferral, Hemoglobin, การคัดกรองผู้บริจาคโลหิต, การปฏิเสธผู้บริจาคโลหิต, ภาวะซีดในผู้บริจาคโลหิตAbstract
Introduction: Safety of blood components is the main goal of blood transfusion services (BTS). To achieve this, blood must be obtained from voluntary non-remunerated blood donors (VNRD). Donor screening process is one of the most important steps to protect both donors and patients safety. On the other hand, the deferral leads to precious loss of donors and blood units, moreover rates and reasons are different and vary from region to region. Objective: To analyze the rates and reasons for deferral of blood donors at Phuket Regional Blood Centre. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was conducted by using the data from the donor deferral registry, Hematos II G program, basing on the criteria of the donor guideline, National Blood Centre, Thai Red Cross Society, during a 5 years period from January 2016 to December 2020. The reasons for deferral of these disqualified blood donors were evaluated. The deferred donors were further classified into 4 categories as (1) donor criteria, (2) questionnaire, (3) medical examination, and (4) hemoglobin level. Results: Of the potential 65,397 donors who registered for blood donation, 37,004 (56.58%) were female and 28,393 (43.42%) were male. The majority of the age group was 31-40 years (27.94%). All of these blood donors were voluntary non-remunerated blood donors (VNRD) from walk-in and mobile session. Among a donation registered of 230,370, only 169,457 (73.57%) could pass the donor screening criteria and, the 60,859 (26.43%) were deferred. The deferral rate (%) of categories 1, 2, 3 and 4 were 6.81, 30.58, 16.94 and 45.67, respectively. Conclusion: The overall deferral rate for any reason in this study was 26.43% which was higher than other studies, especially in first time donor (38.57%) compared to repeated donors (22.99%) and female was much higher (77.93%) than male (22.07%) which were similar to the previous studies. The main reasons for deferral were low hemoglobin level (45.67%) and failed to pass the questionnaire (30.58%). However, the nutritional advice and iron supplement should be given to all blood donors in order to become regular repeated donors. It might also note that the donor deferral registry program should be maintained to improve the donor safety and blood supply.
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