The Model for Promoting Safety Behaviors of Pesticide Use among Farmers in an Area at Risk of Cancer in Nakhon Sawan Province

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Teera Kangkhetkron


The objective of this quasi-experimental research is to study the model for promoting safety behavior from pesticide use among farmers in areas at risk of cancer and to study the effectiveness of the pattern. The study was conducted in an experimental group of 50 people and a control group of 50 people. From the study of the pattern of promoting safety behavior from pesticide use among farmers according to the ADDIE process (Analysis-Design-Development-Implement-Evaluation), the experimental group organized a brainstorming session to analyze the behavior and situation of using pesticides, set goals, and strategies and created the application Nakhon Sawan, safe from toxicity, far from cancer as a source of information and exchange of health literacy to promote knowledge and safe behavior from the use of chemical pesticides among farmers. The results of the effectiveness study of the model by comparison results of knowledge and safe behavior from the use of pesticides between the experimental group and the control group with independent t-test or Mann Whitey U test, it was found that before the experiment knowledge, and safe behavior from the use of pesticides among farmers in all aspects of the two groups were not different. After participating in promoting safe behavior from the use of pesticides among farmers program in areas at risk of cancer, the experimental group had an average of knowledge and safe behavior from the use of chemical pesticides higher than the control groups with statistical significance (p-value < 0.05). Therefore, the model for promoting safe behavior from the use of pesticides by farmers in areas at risk for cancer should be promoted to other groups of farmers to increase the level of knowledge and safe behavior of pesticide use among farmers. To conduct self-protective behavior from the use of pesticides and reduce health and cancer risks from exposure to pesticides.

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How to Cite
Kangkhetkron T. The Model for Promoting Safety Behaviors of Pesticide Use among Farmers in an Area at Risk of Cancer in Nakhon Sawan Province. JDPC3 [internet]. 2024 Mar. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];18(1):74-85. available from:


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