The development of a surveillance model Prevention and control of infectious disease COVID-19 Phichit Province

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Jirayuth Khongnun
Atchana Jesrichai


Participatory research and development involving the collection of mixed methods with the objective of developing a surveillance model. Prevention and control of infectious disease COVID-19 to predict factors that affect behavior. The sample consisted of 960 representatives of households aged 20-60 years old, using a multi-stage random sampling method, which was performed in 3 steps. The first step is a quantitative study. By using a questionnaire created by the researcher. Step 2 is a qualitative study using the focus group method. two groups totaling 60 people, and step 3 is evaluating the number of newly infected people. The same questionnaire was used to ask the original sample group in the study area about the effects before and after the intervention. The results of the study showed that people had a high level of risk perception of disease, 24.27% perceived the severity of the disease at a high level, 21.98% perceived the benefits of disease prevention and control at a high level, 17.19% perceived the obstacles of disease prevention and control at a high level 19.27% perceived their own ability to prevent and control the disease at a high level 29.06% had good surveillance behavior levels for disease prevention and control. Factors that affected were gender, age range, education level. and self-efficacy (P-value < 0.05). The surveillance model for disease prevention and control that has been developed is 1) knowledge sharing through various media channels and repetition. 2) leadership potential development. 3) Recognizing and acknowledging the situation of the disease and the severity of the disease honestly 4) Creating rules and discipline in the community 5) The provision of services from public health officials at all levels. 6) Providing services for chronically ill patients in the community 7) Facilitating access to vaccination 8) Management of quarantine facilities for patients and contacts at the village and sub-district levels As a result, it is highly effective in preventing and controlling the disease. When testing the mean scores of various factors and behaviors before and after the development of the system. It was found that the mean scores of disease prevention and control behaviors after the development of the model were significantly higher (P-value < 0.05). Therefore, campaigns should be encouraged and communications should be developed for the public to be aware of the risks perceived severity and recognize the benefits of the practice. Recognize barriers to practice. and emphasizing self-efficacy in preventing COVID-19 infection to more people to send people to behave in surveillance. prevent and control COVID-19 infectious disease more suitable.

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How to Cite
Khongnun J, Jesrichai A. The development of a surveillance model Prevention and control of infectious disease COVID-19 Phichit Province. JDPC3 [internet]. 2023 Apr. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];17(1):79-90. available from:


Worldometer 2021. COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. [Internet]. 2021. [Cited 2021 June 19] available from:

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