The Scenario of the Primary Care Unit Next Decade in Public Health Region 3

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Monwipa Katsomboon
Sawat Apiwachaneewong


The objectives of this study were to 1) to find the factors and guidelines for the development of primary care units that are consistent with the context 2) to develop the scenario of the primary care unit development model, and 3) to assess the efficacy of the future developed model in Health Region 3rd. The Ethnographic Delphi Futures Research integrated research model, collecting data from 23 experts in 3 cycles, and the effectiveness model by Connoisseurship. The statistics used content analysis, percentage, interquartile range, mode, and median. The results revealed that the prospects of primary care units in the health region 3rd, cycled 1 has 10 components 145 trend factors, cycled 2 has 90 trend factors, and cycled 3 has 112 trend factors interquartile range (Q3- Q1) is less than or equal to 1.50 absolute value of mode (Mode) – median (Median) has a value of not more than 1 and desirability greater than 85%, and the expert assessment by connoisseurship has been 10 components 109 trend factors. The suggestion of this research health policymakers and staff working in primary care units in Health region 3rd should be planned, support operations, and prepare structures, personnel, and equipment for future operations.

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How to Cite
Katsomboon M, Apiwachaneewong S. The Scenario of the Primary Care Unit Next Decade in Public Health Region 3. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 25 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];16(2):27-3. Available from:
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