Nursing care for HIV and syphilis-infected patient: A case study

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Parida Boonnak


HIV and syphilis infections are the major public health problem globally, including in Thailand.  Both infectious diseases directly impact a patient's quality of life. There are necessary in order to provide nursing care for the patient to live in society. This study aimed to use the nursing care process for HIV and syphilis-infected patients. One male patient with HIV and syphilis-infected was studied from January - February 2022. The nursing process was used as a study tool. From providing holistic nursing care, the results showed that the patient has better health outcomes. 1)Physical aspect, nursing care reduced ailments and complications of patients. The patient has good body care, enough weight, and enough rest. 2)Mental aspect, nursing care reduced stress and relieves anxiety. 3)Social aspect, nursing care helped for maintaining patient health confidentiality and helped the patient to behave normally in society. 4) In the Spiritual aspect, the nursing care helped the patient accept his own infections, received treatment, and lived properly for good health as well as prevent the transmission of diseases. Therefore, the nursing care for patients with infected HIV and syphilis is imperative that the nursing process be encompassed in all dimensions, including physical, mental, social, and spiritual aspects of health, in order for patients to receive complete nursing care and can live with a normal life.

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How to Cite
Boonnak P. Nursing care for HIV and syphilis-infected patient: A case study. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 25 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];16(2):38-50. Available from:
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World Health Organization. Global progress report on HIV, viral hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections, 2021. Geneva: WHO; 2021.

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