The development of food consumption behavior in junior high school students in Oryornoi school network for reducing risk factors in non-communicable diseases in Uthaithani

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สิริลักษณ์ รื่นรวย


This research is an action research. The objectives are to study the methods of improving food consumption behaviors of junior high school students in Oryor noi network in order to reduce risk factors of non-communicable diseases in Uthaithani, and to study the results of improving food consumption behaviors of junior high school students in Oryor noi network in order to reduce risk factors of non-communicable diseases in Uthaithani. The sample group is the 7th grade students,339 in total, from 13 Oryor noi schools in Uthaithani that met the criteria of Uthaithani Provincial Public Health Office and passed the Convenience Sampling by the responsible teachers. The data are analyzed by descriptive statistics and Pair Sample t-test. The results showed that 1. The methods of improving food consumption behaviors of junior high school students in Oryor noi network in order to reduce risk factors of non-communicable diseases in Uthaithani are: reviewing the past Oryor noi performance, selecting the schools, developing the schools under the approach of of improving food consumption behaviors of junior high school students, and finally evaluate the performance. 2. The results of improving food consumption behaviors of junior high school students in Oryor noi network in order to reduce risk factors of non-communicable diseases in Uthaithani showed that,

after improving food consumption behaviors of junior high school students in Oryor noi network, the sample group gained more knowledge and most of them had better food consumption behaviors to reduce risk factors of non-communicable diseases at 0.05 significance level. Most of the sample group are highly satisfied with the activities in the research project.

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How to Cite
รื่นรวย ส. The development of food consumption behavior in junior high school students in Oryornoi school network for reducing risk factors in non-communicable diseases in Uthaithani. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];15(3):30-43. Available from:
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