Result of D-RTI+ Model Procedure for Prevention of Injuries and Deaths from Traffic Accidents in Regional Health Area 3.

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ศศิกานต์ ธนธีระกุล


This study, a quasi-experimental research relying on only a group of samples (one group pretest-posttest design), had a purpose to study on the results of D-RTI+ (District Road Traffic Injury Plus) Model procedure affecting to the prevention of injuries and deaths from traffic accidents in Regional Health Area 3. The samples were volunteers of the district networks from 54 districts during October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019. The process was applied from the traffic accident prevention idea of the World Health Organization (WHO), or 5ส’s Strategy and 5 Tools of Thailand Road Safety Policy Foundation, under the activity framework of nine activities, with Excellent and Advanced levels at process determination follow the guideline of Bureau of Non-Communicable Diseases and Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health. The data were analyzed using Frequency Distribution, Mean, Arithmetic Mean, Standard Deviation, and T-Test.

                The results indicated that the most samples were the core team of the district public health centers. The D-RTI+ procedure made the communities cooperate in an identification for the major causes of traffic accidents in the associate neighborhood, and bring into an analysis by Problem Tree to find out the true root of problems in order to determine the effective preventing policies. This led to the samples’ higher levels of procedure achievement by statistical significance at 0.05, accounted 90.74% Excellent, and 9.26% Advanced, respectively. The samples did more activities for the traffic accident prevention in the neighborhood than before with statistical significance at 0.05 leading to 46.29% decrease of the injuries and deaths among 25 districts.

                The study of D-RTI+ led to the more satisfied results of the effort to prevent injuries and deaths from the traffic accidents in Regional Health Area 3. There was a cooperation among the associates network that helped decrease the injuries and deaths in the neighborhood, both in the village, sub-district, and district scale. Moreover, it led to the innovation of the communities themselves to prevent the accidents, which should be furtherly expanded and brought into the mechanism of Thailand Road Safety Policy Foundation and the Department of Local Administration in order to resolve the problems extensively, and to decrease the injuries and deaths from the traffic accident long-lastingly.

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How to Cite
ธนธีระกุล ศ. Result of D-RTI+ Model Procedure for Prevention of Injuries and Deaths from Traffic Accidents in Regional Health Area 3. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 17 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];14(1):25-34. Available from:


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