The Development of Palliative Care System in Home Health Care

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วรนุช วงค์เจริญ



         The purposes of this action research design. This research aimed to develop of palliative care system in home health care. This research divided into three phases. The samples were patient in palliative care clinic in Pong hospitals, selected by purposive sampling. This study used system theory as a conceptual framework, resource management concept (4M) used for analysis and develop system, and PAOR cycle used for continuous quality improvement. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics.

         The findings of this study revealed that palliative care patients received continuity of care increased in phase 1-3 as 30.55, 35.48 and 73.91 percent respectively, have medical equipment support centers for palliative care patients, reduced the patients expenses, and increase hospital revenue. These findings indicate that palliative care system in home health care increase efficiency and effectiveness for patients and hospitals.

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How to Cite
วงค์เจริญ ว. The Development of Palliative Care System in Home Health Care. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];14(2):26-37. Available from:
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