Study of Municipal Solid Waste Management :Case study of Rangsit City Municipality.

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Naritha Thakhamsuk


The objective of this research was to study municipal solid waste management system of Rangsit City Municipality during 1 January – 31 December 2018. The secondary data was collected of solid waste management from the database of Rangsit City Municipality. Sampling ,and analizing physical composition of Rangsit municipality solid waste from various sources, including communities, shopping malls ,fresh markets, condominiums, establishments, temples, and schools. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

          The result showed that total solid waste collected from Rangsit City Municipality in 2018, 59,819 tons per year, the average amount of solid waste was 164 ± 8.50 tons per day and the solid waste generation rate was 1.98 ± 0.11 kilograms per person per day.
The physical composition of Rangsit Municipality solid waste consisted of organic waste, waste recycling, general waste, and hazardous waste 36.65%, 32.74%, 30.25%, and 0.36%,by weight respectively. There were 22 waste collection routes in total. There was 26 collection vehicles: 22 active vehicles and 4 reserve vehicles which are divided into 5 container garbage trucks and 21 compact garbage trucks. The maximum diesel consumption rate was 9.14 liters per tons of solid waste, and the minimum was 1.43 liters per tons of solid waste. The diesel consumption rate was an average of 3.79 ± 2.03 liters per tons of solid waste. The maximum natural gas consumption rate was 10.38 kilograms per tons of solid waste, and the minimum was 1.84 kilograms per tons of solid waste. The natural gas consumption rate was an average of 7.76 ± 2.66 kilograms per tons of solid waste.Solid waste was collected from the sources ,and transport to the transfer station to compress before transport to disposal site. The amount of solid waste after compression was 52,600 tons per year ,and average 144 ± 8.46 tons per day. Solid waste was disposed with landfilling methods by a private sector. The distance from transfer station to the disposal site was 40 kilometers ,and consume diesel at the average consumption rate of 2.69 ± 0.40 liters per tons of solid waste.

There were 471 tons of recyclable waste that separated by workers at disposal site consist of glass bottles, paper, cans, plastic, and metal. The plastic bags were sorted ,and transform to Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) for a total of 3,137 tons per year. Rangsit City Municipality compost organic waste 74 tons per year to be biogas,19 tons per year for earthworms ,and 499 tons per year feed stray dogs.

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How to Cite
Thakhamsuk N. Study of Municipal Solid Waste Management :Case study of Rangsit City Municipality. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 14 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];13(3):57-66. Available from:
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