The Development of Traffic Pattern to Prevent Traffic Injury By The Phukieo Traffic Injury Prevention Cooperation, Chaiyaphum Province

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นภิวัฒน์ โคตรแก้ว


The purpose of this action research was to develop the road traffic injury prevention model and the effectiveness in Phu Khieo District, Chaiyaphum Province. The target consisted of 80 people including: local government administrative officers, transportation personnel, the police force, teachers, community hospital personnel, local leaders, public health volunteers, rescue and civilian volunteers. The research processes were; data collection and analysis of the road traffic injury situation and prevention, collaborating with the road traffic injury prevention model focus on Appreciation Influence Control (A-I-C) technique, and implementing the new model and outcome evaluation. The instruments for data collection included primary information, a deep interview question form, a questionnaire on participation, and a questionnaire on satisfaction: which was made between December 1, 2016 to July 31, 2017. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test.

            The development results for the road traffic injury prevention patterns can be summarized as follows: 1) the management of data, surveillance systems and simulation of emergency situations  2) Injury and death investigation from road traffic injuries 3) propel collaboration on multidisciplinary teams working 4) project planning 5) collaborates with participants in the sub-district 6) assesses and maps accident risk  7) collaborates with community participants and families 8) road traffic safety organization  9) risk communication system and 10) performance evaluation

            The results of this study indicated that only one sub-district team reached an advanced level, six sub-district teams reached a good level, and one sub-district team reached a standard level. Road traffic accidents and deaths have decreased. There are new innovative models for road traffic injuries prevention such as the “Baan Suon Oil Community Checkpoint Model”, youth volunteers in road traffic injury prevention, and family models. Team participation has increased significantly to a high level (p = 0.5), in addition, membership satisfaction has increased greatly.

            The results of this study can be served as a community safety master plan to continuously prevent road traffic injuries and contribute to sustainable development.

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How to Cite
โคตรแก้ว น. The Development of Traffic Pattern to Prevent Traffic Injury By The Phukieo Traffic Injury Prevention Cooperation, Chaiyaphum Province. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];12(1):12-24. Available from:


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