Effects of Behaviors Modification Educational Program to decrease the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease in Diabetic Patients at Takfa Hospital, Nakhonsawan Province.

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สุนันทา สกุลยืนยง


             The purpose of this quasi – experimental research were to develop behaviors modification educational program and study effect of this program, compaired bef๐re and after results to develop behaviors modification educational program  to delay chronic kidney disease in diabetic patients at Takfa Hospital, Nakhonsawan Province. The population were    patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with potential to chronic kidney disease clinic, Takfa Hospital. The value was estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in 3rd stage who met the criteria. The random sample were to selects match pair group control and compare group equally with 30 persons.  The data were collected using demographic data form, self –efficacy  questionnaire, the knowledge of chronic kidney disease questionnaire  and the preventtion behavior questionnaire.  Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviationand  paired-sample t-test for pre – post test among control group and comparison group and  analyzed using independent t-test for the experimental group and the control  group.  

              The findings of the study showed that the self –efficacye, the knowledge of chronic kidney disease, the prevention behavior  and eGFR  were to deference significantly among  the experimental group and the control  group (p<0.05). The intervention program from this study  should be to improve the behaviors such as regarding diet, exercise, and meditational compliance in chronic kidney disease and improve quality of life among diabetic patients.

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How to Cite
สกุลยืนยง ส. Effects of Behaviors Modification Educational Program to decrease the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease in Diabetic Patients at Takfa Hospital, Nakhonsawan Province. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];11(2):61-76. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDPC3/article/view/208931
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