The Factors Related to Satisfaction and Dissatisfied of Laundry Service at Mae Sot Hospital in Tak Province

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กันจนา มีเกาะ


This study aimed to study and to analyze factors that affecting of satisfaction in laundry service at Mae Sot Hospital in Tak Province.  During June to   August 2560, we conducted   cross-sectional survey of 289 staffs with questionnaires by simple random sampling. Factors that associated with knowledge and behavior were analyzed by employing multiple regression analysis.  The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (percent, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (correlation and multiple regression analysis). The outcomes indicated that most of samples were females with age between 21 and 40 years, the educational level: secondary level nearly the same as university level and most of staffs working in other units.  The Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient between the quality of service and total scores of satisfaction   in laundry service, process of service and spending time in service   were   0.645, 0.621 and 0.605, respectively. The regression model could be reported as 56.4 %   of   the variance in satisfaction in laundry service can be predicted by  5 variables : the proper size of the patients’ garment, service in time, the process of job that had be announced, suitable uniform of staffs, and the appropriate of need at significantly statistical difference level 0.01.    Policymaker   need   improve  the laundry service with 5 factors from the results of this study.

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How to Cite
มีเกาะ ก. The Factors Related to Satisfaction and Dissatisfied of Laundry Service at Mae Sot Hospital in Tak Province. JDPC3 [internet]. 2019 Aug. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];11(3):59-68. available from:
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