Effect of Community-based Methadone Treatment on Reduced Withdrawal among Injecting Drug Users Enrolled in a Long-term Methadone Therapy Program in the highlands of Chiang Rai

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ดุสิตา พึ่งสำราญ


This research was to analyze the reduction of drug use among addicts enrolled in a methadone therapy program in a community-based treatment center in the highlands of Chiang Rai Province in northern Thailand. This research used quantitative and qualitative methods: Quantitative data were collected by personal interview using a structured question with all 74 persons enrolled in a community-based rehabilitation center (i.e., the entire caseload at the time of data collection). In addition, qualitative data were collected by in-depth interviews with eight persons being treated in the center. This study found that, of the 74 cases of the center, five were able to quit drug use; 57 still used drugs but only occasionally; and 12 still used drugs regularly. The symptoms of anxiety and obsession with drug use got better among patients with longer duration in the treatment. This can confirm the need of the continuation of the services based in the community to help these drug users to extend their drug abstinence or to quit drug use entirely at some point in the future.

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How to Cite
พึ่งสำราญ ด. Effect of Community-based Methadone Treatment on Reduced Withdrawal among Injecting Drug Users Enrolled in a Long-term Methadone Therapy Program in the highlands of Chiang Rai. JDPC3 [internet]. 2019 Aug. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];12(2):56-67. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDPC3/article/view/208525


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