Transformational Leadership and Teamwork Affecting Effectiveness of the District Health Board in the Health Area 2

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Chinnawat Chomprasert M.P.H
Thanee Chotigakham Ph.D. (Administration of Organization Developmen)


The purposes of this research are as follows the level, relationships, explain and predict the organizational effectiveness of the District Health Board. The units of analysis were all 47 District Health Board in the Health Area 2 for a total of 376 samples. The research instrument was a 5-point rating scale questionnaire. The content reliability was 0.944. The analysis for frequency, average, standard deviation, and one-sample t-test was done on SPSS for Windows, and the analysis for validity was done on LISREL 8.8.

          The results were as follows: 1) the levels of organizational effectiveness, transformational leadership, and Teamwork were between 4.011 and 4.247 which were high in 5-point rating scale. The result was significant at the 0.01 level. 2) Organizational effectiveness, transformational leadership, and Teamwork had pair wise correlation coefficients between 0.51 and 0.73 which were middle. The result was significant at the 0.01 level. 3) Transformational leadership and Teamwork together influenced the effectiveness by 53.60 percents of variance with a significance level of 0.01.       

          Suggestions from this research: One should emphasize on the leadership development for leaders, such as Chief District Health Boards, so that they have transformational leadership and Teamwork. Moreover, Ministry of Public Health should develop policy guidance for an assessment for transformational leadership and Teamwork in a selection process for those positions.

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Chomprasert M.P.H C, Chotigakham Ph.D. (Administration of Organization Developmen) T. Transformational Leadership and Teamwork Affecting Effectiveness of the District Health Board in the Health Area 2. JDPC3 [internet]. 2019 Aug. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];13(1):34-47. available from:


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