The study check quantity of Oxygen compared with depth in Confined space (ground water well) in Region Health 3th

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สันติ เกิดทองทวี


Badly ventilated places (confined ground water) dug not so deeper than the upper earth surface level with limited way of access had led to the lost of lives of 17 workers or farmers in the Health Area 3 during the years of 2006 and 2015. Therefore, the purposes of this situation study were to find ways to prevent death from working in badly ventilated places (artesian wells) and to study the levels of amount of oxygen in badly ventilated places (artesian wells). Data collected were the amounts of air measured in artesian wells in 2 villages. The air measurements were done on 16 August 2006 at Ban Nacharoensuk Village Group 12, Khonthi Sub-district, Muang District, in Kamphaeng Phet Province, and on 17 August 2006 at Ban Noenkroi Village Group 2, Nongthong Sub-district, SaiNgam District in Kamphaeng Phet Province, totaling 57 artesian wells by way of purposive sampling. The Q-RAE Plus-PGM-200 gadget was employed for air measuring and then adjustments for correctness were done on 16 August 2006. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, and One-way ANOVA.                .

            The study found that 9 artesian wells or 16.36% of them are below the standard criterion (with the oxygen level below the standard criterion or lower than 19.50%). The lowest level found is 0.30% which belongs to the same artesian well where a worker lost his life; a person going down a well as such at 10 meters deep will immediately die. Random measurements of oxygen levels of the 57 artesian wells revealed that the average amount of oxygen level is 20.32% at the mouth of the well, 19.47% in the middle, and 17.91% at the bottom. It showed that the least amount of oxygen found at the bottom is significantly different from those found in the middle or at the mouth of the well at the level of 95 % (p<0.05). The interviews with local people working in badly ventilated places (confined ground water) interestingly revealed that farmers who bring ice along to make cool drinks down in such wells never faint or die. Besides, it helps keep the temperature down there not to be too hot.

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How to Cite
เกิดทองทวี ส. The study check quantity of Oxygen compared with depth in Confined space (ground water well) in Region Health 3th. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 11 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];13(1):17-24. Available from:


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