Health Perceived and Self-Care Behaviors of People with Diabetes Mellitus Nahaeo District, Loei Province.

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สถาพร บัวระพา


A descriptive study aims to investigate, compare and identify a relationship between a health perceived and self-care behaviors of people with diabetes mellitus (DM) in Nahaeo district, Loei province. 194 diabetes patients in Nahaeo health service network were selected as a subject of this study on 1th October 2015. An interview questionnaire was asked all participants within 3 different aspects including personal status, health perceived and self-care behaviors of DM patients. The data were presented in percentage, average and stand deviation. Chi-square, T-test and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient. DM patients showed the high level in both perceived within disease (mean = 2.68, S.D. = 0.573) and self-care behaviors (mean = 2.48, S.D. = 0.579). In term of personal status, marriage status presented significantly relationship with health perceived (p < 0.05). Moreover, source of income and patient with complications showed significant relationship with self-care behaviors at p < 0.05. Participants presented significant different in health perceived and self-care behaviors within their disease (t = 2.842, p = 0.005). This study found a significant positive relationship between the health perceived and self-care behaviors at the statistically significant level of 0.05 (r = 0.326, p < 0.001). There have presented that the DM patients have good skill, knowledge, recognize, believe and attitude affect healthy behaviors, self-care and avoid a risk factors of illness and long life. So that, health providers could be support activity that improve effective knowledge, continuous appropriate for DM patients.

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How to Cite
บัวระพา ส. Health Perceived and Self-Care Behaviors of People with Diabetes Mellitus Nahaeo District, Loei Province. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 10 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];11(1):33-44. Available from:


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