Effectiveness of Diabetes Care Service System Based on the Conceptual of Chronic Care Model, Samngam Health Network, Phichit Province
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This research is descriptive. To study the effectiveness of diabetescare servicesystembased on the concept of ChronicCare Model,Samngam’shealthnetwork, Phichitprovince. The sample was diabetic patients who received service in Samngam’sdistrict health Data were collected from a sample of 278 patients.Data were collected by questionnaire between April 9-20, 2018. Quantitative data were used for . The results showed that most of the samples were female. Age is between 60-69 years old. farmers Monthly income is less than 5,000 baht.Reasons for choosing service at the district health promotion hospital near home. Most perceptions are that the Diabetes Service Previously known that the system provides services. Perception of diabetes care team. Diabetes mellitus diabetes mellitus and management of specific patients. The overall is good. When considering each side, it was found that. The highest mean of diabetes care team. Very good. The lowest mean scores were follow-up visits for diabetic patients.The sample was never realized before that the service system was provided. Perception of diabetes care team. Diabetes mellitus diabetes mellitus And management of specific patients. The overall picture is good. When considering each side, it was found that. The highest mean of diabetes care team. And the lowest average is the tracking plan. Satisfaction with diabetes services. The patients' satisfaction in all aspects of diabetes services was at a very satisfactory level. Considering each aspect, the highest mean scores were satisfaction, follow-up, team performance, health care And the lowest mean is the waiting period. Recommendations from this study was the results of this study should be adjusted to the list of factors influencing the satisfaction of diabetes care services with different satisfaction outcomes. Priority is given. And should access the information system of diabetes care services from this study.
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Article published in the Journal of Disease and Health Risk DPC.3 Nakhon Sawan. It is considered a work of academic research and analysis as well as the personal opinion of the author. It is not the opinion of the Office of Disease Prevention and Control 3, Nakhon Sawan. Or the editorial team in any way Authors are responsible for their articles.
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