An Evaluation for Quality on NCD Clinic in Health Region 3 : 2014

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ภัค ศัลยานุบาล


An evaluation for quality on NCD clinic in health region 3 : 2014 that was explanatory model cross-sectional divided into 3 stages including preparation phase, research phase and summary the research process .The population in this study included the place was NCD Clinic everywhere in the area 5 provinces of Health Service Region 3 were obtained Nakhonsawan, Kamphaeng Phet, Phichit, Uthai Tani and Chainat were selected according to the target of clinical NCD quality include The hospital level, such as Level A,S,M1 and M2     (11 Places) , District hospital (9 places), Clinical officer (providers) and patient (recipients). Collected data from the target by Using the test and an interview guide. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as the frequency distribution and qualitative data use the essential points of the text and content analysis.

The results showed that the  hospital has operations through the standard according to Department of Disease Control defined everywhere get passed the quality standards in divided into an excellent level ( 55 % ) , very good level (30%) and 15 % of good level A and S Level of The NCD clinical get passed the quality standards in an excellent level >75 % .The District hospital F1 and F2 level and get passed the quality standards < 60 % and the hospital level M2 also have clinical operation NCD get passed the quality standards only 40 %. Stages of the operation standard clinical quality NCD hospital that get passed the quality standards on the most standards was adjusting system and service process (31.7%).



  1. The NCD board of Contracted Unit of Primary care (CUP) should join to set target, service guidelines to increase quality of service on NCD Clinic.

  2. Should promote and support for the holistic care /PCT team, make participation in planning to care of the normal / risk/ patient group.

  3. Promote and support to collect the knowledge management within organizations, for example, the participation on the chronic case conference among the personnel.

  4. Analyze the data of non-communicable diseases to develop the service quality and design health service system for service recipients.

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How to Cite
ศัลยานุบาล ภ. An Evaluation for Quality on NCD Clinic in Health Region 3 : 2014. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 14 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];13(3):47-56. Available from:


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