Pre-analytical factors affecting time to detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by culture using BACTEC MGIT 960
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Tuberculosis (TB) is contagious bacterial infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis which is a global public health problem. Cultivation is still a gold standard method for TB diagnosis at the present time. This method should be considered in pre-analytical phase that affected on the accuracy and precision of results. The aim of the current study was evaluation of pre-analytical factors that affected detection time of M. tuberculosis using BACTEC MGIT 960 culture. The data of mycobacterial cultures from sputum samples were retrospectively reviewed from the records of TB laboratory of the office of Disease Prevention and Control 3rd, Nakhon Sawan in fiscal year 2017. Of 177 sputum sample data, pre-analytical factors showed that the average of volume was 4.3 ml and 65.0% of sample volumes were more than 5 ml. Most of the samples were low quality which were found in 63.3 of samples. The positive and negative AFB results were 91.0 and 9.0, respectively. The average of time intervals that the samples were collected to culture was 5.0 days and most of time intervals were more than 3 days at 69.5% of samples. 89.3% of sample were transported by hospital cars. For sample refrigeration during transportation, the samples were refrigerated 55.9% while 44.1% of samples had no refrigeration. Comparison between pre-analytical factors and detection time of M. tuberculosis by BACTEC MGIT 960 culture showed that only AFB results related to detection time with statistical significance (P-value < 0.001) whereas other factors had no relation. In conclusion, the pre-analytical factors that had no effect on the detection time of TB culture were minimum 2 ml of sputum volume, storage of sputum up to 7 days, hospital car and parcel transportation of sputum sample and refrigeration during transportation. The guideline developing of sputum culture for TB should still control pre-analytical factors that affect the quality of sample before sending to analysis in laboratory, however the guideline should be appropriate for each area condition.
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