An investigation of Zika Outbreak in Tumbon Wanglum, Taphanhin District, Phichit, June 201

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ธานี โชติกคาม



        On May 22, 2018, the epidemiology unit of the public health Taphanhin district center Phichit received the notification of a woman infected with Zika virus in Tumbon Wanglum, Taphanhin district, Phichit. The surveillance rapid response team and village health volunteers conducted an outbreak investigation in this area during May 23 – August 1st, 2018. The objectives aimed to confirm the diagnosis and potential outbreak, to describe the epidemiologic characteristics and to control the outbreak.

        The descriptive epidemiologic study was carried out. An active case was interviewed and her medical record was revealed. An active search for other cases (especially pregnant women) which met the case definition in the community was performed. An environmental survey was done in the household and area within 100 meters. All contact persons’ blood and urine were sent for laboratory tests.

        Thirty-eight cases which met the case definition were identified. Ten cases were confirmed while the other seven were asymptomatic. Two cases started to have symptoms before the index case was identified whereas seven other cases began afterward. All cases started to have symptom between May 21 – July 2nd, 2018. Most cases were infected by their family and from the workplace. There were 18 pregnant women who were not infected. The most symptoms were rash (100%) fever (42.11) and red eyes (36.84%). The cases were 4 males and 6 females with a median age 29 years old (range 11–68 years old). Their occupations were general employees, maids, and students. The environmental survey revealed house index (HI) was 41.55% so the mosquitoes and the larvae were searched and destroyed. All patients were followed and the environments were controlled regularly.

        This was the first outbreak of Zika virus infection in Tumbon Wanglum, Taphanhin district, Phichit. Patients developed symptoms similar to other viral infection, which caused fever and rash. It was a new disease in Taphanhin so the delayed diagnosis might occur. The outbreak could happen easily so the successful control was depended on the good cooperation between the health sector and community members.

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How to Cite
โชติกคาม ธ. An investigation of Zika Outbreak in Tumbon Wanglum, Taphanhin District, Phichit, June 201. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 21 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];13(2):50-62. Available from:
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